Street Sharks Wiki


Tentakill is a mutant creature that appears in Street Sharks.


First appearing in Sir Shark-a-Lot, the fearsome monstrosity that is Tentakill was designed by Dr. Luther Paradigm to kill off Sir Bolton and thus completely stop the line of the Street Sharks. The creature was stopped by Ripster and Big Slammu and was last seen chasing off Dr. Paradigm and his Seaviates.

In Shark Jacked, Tentakill helps Dr. Paradigm and Killamari kidnap Mantaman's brother Ryan so that they can have him hijack the two planes carrying the Latonian President and the Coachnian President. After Dr. Paradigm's Genesis Satellite was thwarted by the Street Sharks, Dr. Paradigm, Killamari, Repteel, and Tentakill were apprehended by the Street Sharks. While in prison, Dr. Paradigm had Killamari, Repteel, and Tentakill dig a hole to get out of prison.

Tentakill, along with Shrimp Louie, were the only two Seaviants to last into the Dino-vengers arc, bearing witness to Paradigm being tricked and gene slammed into an iguana. The two were shown cowering at the transformation, and never re-appeared.


Tentakill acts like a vicious animal rarely being used due to this as it would attack friend and foe alike. Tentakill eventually mellowed out and obeyed Paradigm blindely but would still act savage and animalistic against his enemies.


  • Tentakill originally was meant to have a figure by Mattel, but the toy never saw the light of day. It was how ever, featured on the back of some packaging, complete with a stinger, adding further confusion to what the heck Tentakill is. 
  • A second Tentakill prototype figure has since been unearthed with a drill inside of it's mouth.
  • Tentakill shares its name with a character from the Transformers franchise, as well as a song by Falconshield.

