Sharkbait is the first episode of the first season of Street Sharks. It is the first part of the three-part movie entitled The Gene Slamming Begins.
Dr. Robert Bolton had invented a gene-slamming device for peaceful uses until his colleague Dr. Luther Paradigm uses it for his evil purposes. When Dr. Bolton tries to intervene, he ends up gene-slammed into an unseen inhuman creature during the struggle and escapes. While in search of their father, John, Clint, Bobby and Coop are mutated into humanoid sharks by the evil Dr. Paradigm. While adapting to their new looks, the four brothers must avoid being seen.
Paradigm & Bolton[]
This episode of Street Sharks features all the main driving factors behind each and every character throughout the series.
Dr. Paradigm is experimenting in a laboratory when he is uncovered by Dr. Bolton, the series protagonist's father. Paradigm thinks he can perfect the human race, showing signs of some form of God Complex. He adds DNA of villainous figures like Genghis Khan and Colonel Thomas Blood to a Lobster and a Swordfish, mutating them into humanoid versions of themselves: Slash and Slobster.
Bolton is outraged, and refuses to help Paradigm and even goes so far as to try to stop him, when that fails he attempts to leave, only for the deranged Paradigm to not only lock the door but to inject Dr. Bolton with some vial of unknown DNA construct, mutating him into something... sinister.
Bolton crashes through the wall and leaves Paradigm amongst the wrecked lab, shocked and stunned... that is, until he notices a watch laying on the ground. Paradigm takes this watch, commenting on how he'd always liked it.
We fast-forward now to the following morning and Lena Mack comments to Paradigm on how Dr. Bolton never showed up for work and how that's unlike of him. She mentions calling his sons, to which Paradigm becomes elated, this, this contribute to the fact that he already knew how Bolton's DNA would work and so his sons would be the perfect test subjects, he tells Lena to contact them and tell them that their father wishes to meet them at a specific location. Lena thinks this is somewhat "fishy" (pun intended) but does it anyway, commenting on how Paradigm was also wearing Dr. Bolton's watch.
The Bolton Boys[]
We see one of our titular cast, John Bolton enjoying some eggs made by a contraption he's devised that runs based on his pet mouse, Hilary, running on her wheel. This is unfortunately the last we see of Hilary, as she is all but forgotten about. John is contacted by Lena and told that his father wishes to meet him at this specific destination. He then contacts his brothers Bobby (The ladies man), Coop (The football player) and Clint (The lazy good-for-nothing).
They all race to the destination to meet up with who they suppose is their father. John takes his motorcycle, which appears to be a classic 1998 Harley Davidson, Bobby takes his namesake skates, Coop's on a skateboard and at the very last moment Clint lands with a jetpack.
The Plot Thickens[]
They are greeted by Dr. Paradigm, who expresses his pleasure at meeting them. He tries to trick them into entering the laboratory, only for John to notice Paradigm is wearing his father's watch. Paradigm attempts to play it off, saying he is such a "generous creature", putting emphasis on the word "creature".
Bobby exclaims that their mother gave the watch to their father, and Coop in an angry voice bellows "He'd NEVER give it away!".
It is at this point that the Bolton Brothers are introduced to the Seaviates (Slash and Slobster). They are quickly stunned and placed upon operating tables, strapped down.
Paradigm then begins the DNA mutation process. He injects the four boys with various shark DNA and to his dismay, it seems to fail as none of the boys mutate, but Clint manages to break free of his restraints and stagger towards Paradigm, before passing out. Paradigm checks Clint over, and deciding that they are dead, sees it as a massive failure. He has the Seaviates destroy the evidence.
Slash and Slobster ditch them in an old storm drain, where it is seen by a passing jogger. However, before the jogger can return with the police, the storm drain carries the Bolton boys away.
The Experiment was NOT a failure[]
The Bolton boys awake some time later and manage to stagger out of the storm drain, hungry and confused. They head to a nearby burger van and are just about to chow down when the mutant DNA takes effect.
John Bolton becomes a Great White Shark/Human Hybrid.
Bobby Bolton becomes a Tiger Shark/Human Hybrid.
Clint Bolton becomes a Hammerhead Shark/Human Hybrid.
Coop Bolton becomes a Whale Shark/Human Hybrid.
Seeing themselves mutated, they become enraged at Paradigm, but before that, it's exclaimed that they're still hungry and they demonstrate a new and rather weird ability, they begin to consume the burger cart, whole! However, they're interrupted by the police, and are forced to flee through the nearby water.
The Sharks are... Good?[]
Later they are seen burrowing through the ground, another new ability they've now demonstrated, and they encounter a woman trapped within a car on the freeway. They opted to save her rather than let her die, showing they still have their humanity. This is all captured by the Guy in the Sky in his helicopter, and strangely, Lena decides to inform her co-worker Bends of this fact, and tell them exactly where they're going. The Problem? Bends is already there, and the Sharks not only confront him but stop his van dead in its tracks.
Bends exclaims that this is like something out of a B-Movie, to which Bobby exclaims "No, it's me, Bobby".
Bends seems to take this all in rather quickly and before too long the Sharks are in his van and attempting to evade police capture. This all culminates in them using a billboard to hide from the police.
However, Paradigm has also seen the newscast and now proceeds out in his helicopter with the Seaviates in order to track them down. They're found in their hiding spot and shot out. Not only shot out but chased right into an amusement park, where they encounter a young boy who, along with Bends, names the sharks team. "The Street Sharks!" as a way of explaining the Sharks being there. John exclaims "I like it. I LIKE IT!".
They then engaged in a battle with both Slash and Slobster, in which the Sharks become buried underground, not for long, however as they soon break free, demonstrating their immense strength.
Paradigm tries to trick them into going with him by exclaiming "You will need to come with me, if you want to see your father", this backfires however as the Sharks attack him, they walk away with a big victory, that is, until the tanks roll in.
Cast and Characters[]
- To be added.
- To be added.
- The DNA of Captain Blood, described here as an evil pirate, is added to the sailfish and lobster along with that of Ivan the Terrible. But Captain Blood was actually the hero of the novel of the same name, in which he appeared.
- To be added.