Street Sharks Wiki


Killamari is a villain in Street Sharks.


Before being Gene-Slammed, Killamari resembled a regular squid with a green and purple color scheme.

After being Gene-Slammed, Killamari was a large hulking pale green creature with four arms, two-toed feet, a regular squid head with ten teeth and head fins that point up, three-clawed hands, and suckers on his body (two on his stomach, two on all four of his biceps, one on each palm of his hands, and six on his back). He wore a pair of black and brown trunks and black wrist bands. In Season 3, the back of his black and brown trunks was missing and it was now resemble a thong.


Killamari is the third of Dr. Luther Paradigm's evil Seaviates created from a squid that was captured off the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Slash and Killamari despise each other, mostly because Slash made a snide remark about Killamari's initial inability to talk and that Killamari is much more intelligent than Slash. Killamari has the ability to project natural 'spears' or 'harpoons' from his mouth and the many suckers covering his body; these projectiles drip with an extremely potent venom. In his debut in the episode Lone Shark, he almost killed Jab, but Lena and Bends concocted an anti-venom which has since reduced his threat.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Strength: Killamari is shown to be extraordinarily strong.
  • Multiple Arms: Killamari possesses four arms that he can use with ease.
  • Harpoon producing and shooting: Killamari can create and fire green-colored harpoons from his mouth or the suckers on his body.


  • Harpoons: Killamari can create green-colored harpoons in his body that are laced with a powerful venom.


Killamari was only released in series 1 of the Street Shark toys, packaged with two of his squid darts. He could brandish these as weapons in his two upper tentacles, which can be moved by pressing switches on his back. The back of his head is soft rubber, and if placed in his mouth, a squid dart can be fired from his mandibles. He can also fire a jet of water out of the same mandible. Unlike the cartoon, Killarmari wears no speedo, and has six legs as opposed to two. A Hand-Shark was made, where you would control the tentacles, but never released.

