Street Sharks Wiki

Jacob Proper95 Jacob Proper95 25 April 2023

Will you think there will be a street sharks teenage mutant, ninja turtles, crossover?

Only time will tell, but there are humanoid sharks, such as king shark from DC and Mako from Image

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Jakester95 Jakester95 24 April 2023

Street sharks Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles parallels

Ripster, Leonardo

Donatello streex

Michelangelo, big slamu

Raphael jab

professor Bolton splinter

Dr. paradigm the shredder

Tentakill and kill Amari bebop and rocksteady

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IridescentAngel IridescentAngel 11 February 2021


Now how do I say this?

Just want to let you guys know that I have some irl stuff going on in my life, and that I have a lot of high school stuff to do. The things I said in the last blog posts? The promises are not forgotten and they won't be empty. I just need to get my laptop back and get my motivation up again. I promise you, I will come back and continue to edit this lovable wiki in due time.

In the meantime, keep the articles nice and tidy, and with correct information. Don't forget about the grammar mistakes as well.

Also, to all the people who before and recently edited this wiki while I was absent, thank you, seriously. Keep this wiki alive and keep making it beautiful.

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SpecialOperationsTrooper SpecialOperationsTrooper 20 January 2019

Warrior of the Snake

I am the Monsignifer Lancehead Viper.

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IridescentAngel IridescentAngel 11 February 2021

Inactivity? Still here though

You may have noticed that I have been absent for a while.

Truth is, I have been really busy lately, and I didn't have some free time to try and edit this wiki again. Well this time, I'll try and be more active like last time. But I have a plan.

My plan is to write the information and episodes in collective memos and documents, so that I can release it all on this site like a fire breath! Neat eh?

So maybe not today, but in the near future, I will be back. Count on it finmeisters!

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IridescentAngel IridescentAngel 11 February 2021


You may have noticed that I started to edit this wiki a lot. It's because I want to bring my nostalgia of Street Sharks back to life. The 90's was a colorful place for a lot of cartoons, and it's very easy to see why. Although I was born in the 2000's, I somehow stumbled upon this cartoon with muscular sharks and dinosaurs... Yeah. I immediately fell in love with these cartoons though. I'm also glad that a group of nice people made a wikia about Street Sharks to contribute to their favorite childhood cartoon. But you know what? The Street Sharks Wiki is good... BUT IT'S NOT GREAT!

​​So what I'm doing right now is making the wiki even better for all, one article at a time.

Since I'm a newcomer to this wikia editing thing (learning little by l…

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BlackjackXIII BlackjackXIII 11 July 2013

New to the Wiki

So, i'm new here - atleast to the Street Sharks Wiki.   I probably wouldn't have even bothered to make a single edit had I not come across the Moby Lick page featuring 'Anal Sex Allegations' and mentions of 'Semen'.   I felt compelled to fix this in case some other poor soul stagered across this and actually took it seriously.   I was saddened to think that some idiots out there would go so far as to mess around with a wonderful wiki, a source of information about a lot of our forgotten pasts.

As such, I went out of my way to begin not only editing, but adding pages to expand upon the pages here so that hopefully just 1 person out there will not only read this, but look at the things that were added and take it upon themselves to go out the…

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